I was in a fender-bender the other day. right in front of my house. this clown tried to zip past me on the right at a stop sign to make a quick right turn. problem was I also was turning right and I turned right into him. so yesterday I found out it is actually my fault. the slick mercedes driver, jacked up on chai and no doubt in fear of being more than the standard 15 minutes late for his shoe fitting at fred seagal tries to zip past my blinking right turn signaled truck and the fault is mine.
that makes sense.
only in LA can you get rewarded for being in a hurry for no reason. how do I know there was no real reason for his haste ? well he kinda looked like this. no one that looks like this is on any important time schedule. it doesn't matter what you do, you just can't be this pretty and have a life or death situation at hand. just can't happen.
so my insurance premiums should go up because griff mcswifterman needs to step on it a bit to make his al-anon meeting, which he attends solely to 'network.'
any wonder why this is the greatest town in the world ?
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