six years and still under 50 posts.


my friend jim is visiting LA and doin some business. he brought his playstation 2. it sits in the living room, over my left shoulder. right there. from here where I work and from where I type this right now. it just sits there. i think it watches me. it mocks me, that I know for sure.

" bobby, come touch my padded controller. come on, touch it. what, too busy working? now that's funny. you -- working. no, seriously. funny shit, kool bobby. "

" hey, leave me alone. I have work to do."

" your killing me you lying bastard. jim told me all about you. "

" ok, that's enough. " ( I go to unplug it )

" wo - hey , just kiddin bobby. heh . hey - I got karaoke too -- huh ?"

" karaoke, huh ? "


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