six years and still under 50 posts.


hey I actually enjoyed the superbbowl. it didn't hurt that I was with mat and harper. we played in the yard pre-game and had an overabundance of snack foods during gametime. we were in the strang's pasadena compound --- a luxurious mediterranean villa that felt not unlike a spa -- if i'd ever been to one this is what it would be like. they were gracious and fun hosts.

the game was pretty boring-- wasn't it-- all the way up until the last 10 minutes. I was actually gettting primed for some OT action when the pats made that last drive.

while watching I realized I'm not nearly as big of a sports fan as I used to be. I mean I still dream about the braves, and I love golf, but besides a little touch of march madness I don't get into it like I would even a year ago. I used to be obsessed with espn sportscenter -- I'd watch it twice a day - for years it seemed. today I popped it on wanting to catch their superbowl coverage and found myself embarrassed for the commentators who desperately tried to sound oh-too-hip reciting the newest catch phrase that comments on the replay of the highlights. these phrases tend to be old school rap lyrics -- "stick em , ah - ah - ah- stick 'em" said the frighteningly white and overly alert "sportscaster" as an interception was made.

alas, with my passing fancy of most things sport, another chapter in my overextended youth is closing -- hopefully so are some of my more fratty - uberwhite tendencies.

no , you say ? I can't lose those ?

bullshit - I mean I listen to SO much curtis mayfield these days I practically ...... no? no way?

but if someone like fred durst can do it -- if he can become more urban and less white --


no , I haven't seen this before. ok you've made your point. don't make me watch that again, please.

how 'bout kool bobby bring a little poppin and rockin to your world ( montage of my breakdance skills )
now what ya think?


a haircut?

urban dialect training ?

F - dat!

i'm out.

~ fred durst - vanilla ice movie from mark on the wattlist.


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