six years and still under 50 posts.


this is Lisa.
I have known Lisa White my whole life. She was my first girlfriend at age 4 (we broke up because I couldn't communicate my feelings). We went to the same boarding school, where she, being a year older, took me under her wing and introduced me to her (hot) friends. Lisa has always been there for her friends and her family. She is a wonderfully sweet, intelligent and thoughtful person who loves to laugh and enjoy life. Our families are very close and have a special connection with each other. Her older brother Chris was an older brother to me and is who I always looked up to. My sister, Anne, and Lisa are best friends. The Whites are terrific people.

Last week, Lisa was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). She is now undergoing intensive chemo in Atlanta. She has a strong, courageous spirit and won't let this stop her from enjoying life. She also has an amazing support group around her, Team Lisa. Team Lisa is the Dream team of support teams. We're all in this and we're all going to battle out of it.

If you are in Atlanta, you can help. Friends can donate platelets (blood type not important) for Lisa at the Atlanta Blood Center next to the hospital. The Center’s number is 404.459.8742. Please call to get more information on donating. The Center will coordinate donations with Lisa’s needs in order to maximize the 72 hour life of platelets. BUT, if Lisa doesn’t need them within their 72 hour lifespan, someone else can use them so any and all donations are appreciated.

you can also send good vibes, pray, or just think about her.


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