back on the solid food train! wahoo! I woke up and cooked eggs, turkey sausage, biscuits, and cinnamon rolls for annie and kalen. it was yummy, too, If I may say. It has been 45 minutes or so since I ate and I am still bracing for the "For the Love of God - Make Way !!" dreaded reaction from my system, but so far so good.
this was the best thing I’ve done for myself in years. I feel so damn good I can’t stand it. my skin is clean, my body feels charged, my mental faculties are sharp. I will definitely do this more often.
I highly recommend the juice fast if:
1. you feel toxic. you know what I mean. you just feel gross.
2. you want to experience what it feels like for your body to be flushed and cleansed.
3. you want to quit smoking. This has helped me tremendously, thus far. It’s, I think, the best way to kick the habit. by overwhelming your body in stopping bad ingesting habits, wanting to smoke tends to not be the most pressing desire. then, I hope, after the fast is completed, the initial 3 day freak out of quitting is over, AND you have already flushed more nicotine out of your system than if you had stopped for a week or so. That helps.
4. you want a break from the monotony of habits and normalcy. I find this helps my creative process.
As far as what to drink and buy. here’s what I say :
I decided to logically buy as much of the spectrum of juices - both fruit, vegetable, and anywhere in between. Not just for quantity, but a good selection. from pineapple, to organic apple, to fresh squeezed OJ, to carrot and celery juice, to V-8 type tomato juices, to blended juice drinks. I also bought fruit to blend up into juice smoothy concoctions. Then just take it easy and try it out, experimenting and learning to listen to your body. that’s the best advice I can give, just learn to feel your way through it. also - don’t drink the juice fast, just sip it. this helps coat the belly over time and will extend periods of satisfaction.
Sometimes your stomach will not want all the citric acid and other acids found in the juices. so you may need to cut the juices with some water. I did this quite often.
exercise - the first day I ran for just 15 min, to get the sweat going, then sat in the steam shower for 10 minutes, to purge and release as many of the sweat glands in my body as possible. this was a good decision - I think it sped up the cleansing process. I didn’t exercise after this, as I needed to take it easy.
your digestive system may be volitile, so know this too.
good luck if you’re going to do it - it works!
note - I am not a health freak now. just testifyin to the juice fast, baby.
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